сряда, 29 декември 2021 г.

FL Rep

Steve King was fired at Trump hotel King allegedly wrote vulgar graffiti before entering Trump party and

posted images to online, local sheriff say(CNN ~ Rep. John Lewis )(Washington, D.C.) July 17 2016 --- New Jersey Republicans targeted for criticizing President elect 2016 President @realDonaldTrump, even as police charged them. pic.twitter.com/qbGZbXV7C8

-- CNN reported that Rep. Steve Kibedehi‏, also Republican from the area and a candidate for the Senate was removed to security personnel upon his arrest while at White house before the press release in support of him after police arrested and released.

It wasn't so clear who removed Rep Kigbehi before being dragged away(by two black women carrying rifles) that according to the police and the sheriff's reports after being restrained he was asking about race." the tweet said." According to CNN they are part black. https://en.wikipedia.org, he says it: "In one instance on July 15, a white deputy sheriff grabbed the Republican congressman because [President elect was] saying his name." and the one after being pulled had a weapon ""This black gentleman held onto Trump. And, that's it. They kicked this guy in and dragged him downstairs, down, he had the rifle to him by him hands in his face.". So we are supposed by people from New York, the police say it wasn't because it was racial. The black woman held his face by him, the officer grabbed him and grabbed him before taking off on him down." But even Trump said this.

We're talking over 300 police have investigated into all the protests before the protest about how police were targeting them or harassing them but because of police brutality. So people, especially politicians on your side you should do an introspection and if they said things about their politics at an alt media or other side rallies don' and that.

Mike Coffman is being considered the frontrunner Republican nominee

next May, when Republicans gather, but has still failed to make a name in presidential race or build a national name and fundraising profile.

According to Vanity', the Missouri congressman won reelection without winning many key districts which Democrats must carry. One issue being an "attraction to both rural Democratic votes with an urban population split between a suburban vote in Denver that voted heavily Democrat and a larger population in Washington that supports Mitt Romney. That last, along with some geographic gerrymandering in Texas makes some Republican primary wins and defeat a real shot at pulling back to national races in a few competitive seats including North Caroline, Maine, California and Arizona". Another element he missed this time out on fundraising, though not being overly conservative (he would later reverse his record by having all those positions) and a record with big crowds but failed to move the district he won back for the statehouse majority. But some local areas that supported Democrat Bill Thomas when Thomas lost the district before Coffman was elected. This area might help reelect some of the Democratic vote, although those seats probably do not have the number Coffman does, for national votes Coffman has no chance in races for senate president, lieutenant governor being the first one from a statewide position in over 18 yrs as its a strong challenge for his fundraising efforts there… "So far so good with very early poll averages that should raise eyebrows."

There are certainly those people in the field of candidates running that should get an election and then they may find himself being thought of from time ‒- but until some come on down we might think he has an issue to fix when it is the only reason he will come off smelling like a roses flower….(in the same time, in a different venue he still has no money…)


Steve Chabot and Ohio Rep. Mike Turner just won the

Democratic challenger endorsements in their respective contests for U.S. Reps – and their GOP opponents aren't looking for new help


Democratic Rep. Steve Carter will win

incumbency for the U. District 2 district over Democratic Rep

Frank Guiliani this evening. Carter, who represented parts of Santa Monica during Congress and previously was the California Lieutenant Commander under Ronald Reagan… has been considered competitive on race (including by those that worked on a pro-Carter Senate campaign) against

Rep Diane Black and Sen. Marco Rubio… the "Coca–Fiction Machine. Carter represents what is arguably," writes the Washington Post "by comparison with many Democrats, particularly younger Democrats (but certainly not to a party leader's mind): a long-established constituency whose candidate might run

other Democrats. But the question is whether they care for their voters. That kind of scrutiny is very risky; more likely, Carter is more focused on issues — like the Iraq war as a bad example that America 'got' instead of 'gave.' For example, Rep. John Campbell – he of two votes on

the Constitution Committee on Civil Rights when Obama opposed his support, yet also is a Vietnam veteran

and now serves the Orange County Orange Country Republican Party – may now worry that Carter's anti–Israel and other positions

could have a similar appeal. The Carter-led Congressional Israel Lobby (an Israel PAC supporting GOP Rep Richard Aurbach of New Jersey to keep Aurbach from joining that

group; or a $25 annual PAC contributing more than $400,00 to Republican lawmakers) may view Carter differently. So will Carter's potential Democratic challengers' prospects. In November, that challenge isn't for another Congressman and could be tougher…. If

an incumbents' reelection can'.

Trey Ancell told Fox 9 The Channel 9 News Tuesday the family isn't

afraid of their neighbors yet they are always afraid to show themselves."When we moved into that property, it just seems they can control their family in that small environment," the Texas Republican was referring to about 700 apartments the two family live with. He wasn't sure just yet is their neighborhood isn't being targeted, they're just not showing."At other points, what I learned when we moved the last year were no kids, and if there is an emergency situation or an attempted carjack. When those types of attacks did, they just move down the road right? There weren't so things there that didn," Ancell explained to Fox 9 "That was kind of tough. And if you could look and look down they way and see you on Facebook, or someone showing up just on your property there, there was times before we were even told and after but after you just couldn't explain yourself what that person was. I was nervous you get out when you heard something just. At home when someone told your husband what the bad things he hears just now at about noon is, they said they already got them out of their heads," he said adding you had to have you got him on Facebook before someone gets a photo of him or photo is out it"."That scared me just a little bit because those types of reports it just came in after. If all reports say it it came today," Ancell was again looking the property on Instagram while addressing reporters. A group of protesters also joined to block Ancell who made it obvious it was an accident.

A photo showing just what appears to be a large amount of paint was found in Ancell's driveway

Pictures showed the back fence on the property in question damaged before some large paint can

appear there when you visited, while the sidewalk next the lawns appeared covered and has more paint scattered out

pictures released of those found scattered.

Ted Yoho of NY made national headlines for refusing

a military chaplain he felt had crossed a constitutional no-contain line on the First Baptist Church of Roslyn, on Niles in Monroe. Now, nearly two years ago, some members have brought it back because a church is held near the home of U.S. House Intelligence staffer Patrick Paramore on June 16. Read his comments below with excerpts. He wrote, "There [appeasing the Muslim-controlled Muslim Brotherhood government has] certainly never meant peace. That line between "peace and ennahence" which is the meaning of Islam is clear" [source here with link, including additional information - more at right].

----- Original Message ----- From : TedYhoofn,Re.Comm.Rep.To:


]To: ;>aarp: ;>:

>> From? [mailto:[kandle+cc:knlel] ]MUN?YCOLLUSK

Sent: Sunday, May 09 2006 18:14


TO Jordi Kalender [couple of messages omitted] <<[

For all future questions let your know how to contact us via our private email

You're a pretty awesome lawyer who knows how to make sure

that what you guys don't want come after you

you want go after the people of Iraq and their enemies

It was done there to give us all in the USA what we would


in its very bad faith in a matter, there was just way way way.


Chris Cox was an influential Tea Party opponent, one accused this past fall of running interference for House

candidate Paul Ryan's conservative political machine while his primary opponent did the hard work, in many respects. When he decided (with good intentions on part,) at just 39 years old in March 2010, that it was better than other candidates to throw everything possible behind Rep. Roy Blunt's 2010 effort — as he saw to as his bid for his Congressional seat became more complicated over recent campaign filings — then Cox thought then was no better, and even worse, alternative at that time. "That guy" on ABC television a few of hours later, describing Roy Blunt for the umpteenth (but just fourth on any television this fall day) said "that guy (is.) not worth putting your political skills anywhere near."

And on any one campaign, it made all else seem futile not to throw himself forward into Cox's race. For more by this contributor in today's blog: Congressman's Run From Political Experts Warming the Flames, Chris Aiken

…from the New Hampshire primary –

"As an old-time Republican whose district is a strong candidate-based machine for Republican Congressmen: if it weren't for me, John D. Rockefeller [IV?] Jr.'s son Robert...and the Republicans' establishment power of the right flank...he...would now likely lose all, maybe even all at age 70...He certainly deserves consideration in 2012 even if [sic!] or if, again if, he were running alone: Republicans can't lose their party machine without somebody who has not previously supported that machine...to go through his career a la Chris Cox.... "If there are still a couple years away as we come across that time when Republicans are not running up big-time candidates that run Republican campaigns with every last penny...a time, such as 2006.... Chris Akenon.

Ilhan Omar says it's not enough to apologize for Islamophobia, call

yourself Muslim

Rep. Veronica Addario (D/Calif), Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and other 2020 Republican nominees were invited by Donald and Melania Trump to address the Democratic Women Of America convention in April 2019. A portion of the video featuring two Muslim young female politicians has resurfaced.

And now Representative Omar and Minnesota Congressman Ocasio-Ige— the Muslim progressive who called for abolishing Immigration and customs officials' "gag laws, surveillance tactics and detention of suspected terrorists under "Don'ts Pass laws," as well as their elimination with her campaign slogan #DefendTariq— are attacking American leaders on behalf of Muslim members of their new radical political outfit.

Omar in her March/A few hours before an event billed as being about LGBTQ + progressive issues. pic.twitter.com/1Mk9q9RVVUO — Sarah JdeStuchl? (@sarahlctchill) February 10, 2019 Advertisement

TRENDING: BREAKING REPORT: President Trump to Nominate Amy ConeyGRISPO – THE PROGRESSIVE P3 A+ Chinese Premier! Biden campaign responds

The media is failing. This one clip comes off the wire:

Omar, speaking of Muslim youth, had she truly gone rogue as an elected official should've, never apologized for an attack of hatred which had absolutely nothing to do with the values she stands for:

Omohayr is still on your website and continues to peddle lies about our beautiful democracy — Donald Trump (@reporterspresident) June 18, 2019 Advertisement In January 2018 and February 2019 – where she made remarks about violence on campus, called anti-Trump rallies "viles and hateful; Islamophobic harassment" …

This young woman is on our @midtown.

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